This year our classes will use this blog (and others perhaps) to record our thoughts, share projects, review books, and many other things. We will learn to express ourselves and make our readers see what we are saying. Our writing needs to clearly describe our ideas, so we are going to help each other learn to do that.
For our first post, let's get to know one another. Tell us a little bit about you. What is something interesting or unique or even quirky about you?
I'll go first: There are many things that interest me, but fiber related hobbies are my passion. All my life I have enjoyed sewing and embroidering, but a few years ago, I learned to knit. Now it is rare for there to be a day when I don't spend at least a little time knitting. I read blogs about knitting and sewing, buy books and magazines, and even travel in order to shop in different stores!
I love technology and spend time everyday browsing online...but my all time favorite way to relax is to read a good fiction book. Ever since first grade, when I read all six books that I got for Christmas on Christmas Day, I always have a book that I'm reading. Now that I have a Kindle, I have books stacked up, ready to read as quickly as I can.
My beloved cat, Zephyr, died Memorial Day weekend at the age of 20. My husband and I miss him very much, but we are getting to know our new cat, Midnight, who came to live with us in July. He is a fun little guy. I suspect I'll have lot of stories to share this year. For instance, recently he climbed up on a table in my sewing room and tried to catch the second hand on my clock. There are scars on the front of the clock to prove it!
Now, it's your turn. Using the comments, tell us about you!