Monday, February 28, 2011

A Wrinkle in Time

Let's talk about the movie of A Wrinkle in Time. Did you like it? Why or why not? Also, what stood out to you as being different from the book? At the end of the movie, apparently IT was destroyed. Did you think that happened in the book? Write at least three good sentences to answer my questions.


  1. I licked the movie better than the book because the movie gave more information. The Man with Red Eyes did way more than he did in the book. Yes I think IT was destroyed in the book but the person who wrote the book didn't put that in the book. [:|]

  2. First of I think they never showed Camazots with trees in the movie. Second Meg did not have glasses in the book. Last and not least they did not defeat IT. I conclude that the movie is different.

  3. First of all, I didn't like the movie at all. The Happy Medium, CENTRAL Central Intelligence, and IT were different in the movie. The Happy Medium was different, because she was neither man nor woman. CENTRAL Central Intelligence was different, because it was underground. Likewise, in the movie, Charles Wallace takes them upstairs. Bringing up rear, IT was different because in the movie, IT is defeated. In the book, IT was not defeated, but just simply lost Charles Wallace to love.

  4. First off, I kinda liked, but the book was a lot better. It was good because it had some adventure just like the book, but the book had a whole lot of adventure. The CENTRAL Central Intelligence was a whole lot different from the book,in the book they would walk through walls and stuff like that but the movie made it different. IT was defeated in the movie, but in the book Meg just won Charles Wallace back with love

  5. The movie was pretty good except when they went to the happy medium, and when they were on the way to Camozots. The happy medium was a real jolly bore. When they visit the happy medium in the book. The happy medium didn't seem that happy and giggly in the movie it just laughed now and then.
    When they were on the way to Camozots, in the book, they accidentally land on a 2D planet and almost got crushed to death. I sort of wanted to see that.

  6. I liked the movie better than the book, because the movie actual scenes and pictures of what they were talking about. It was different because IT was much much bigger in the movie than the book. I think IT was destroyed in the book, but not in the movie.

  7. First I didn't like the movie. Because it was way way different than the book and a little confusing and extremely scary in some parts, to me. What stood out to me as being different than the book was that Mrs.Whatsit didn't pop right in the door and take all their food now that part I thought was extremely scary. Yes,I do think that happened in the book, because it said in the book that IT was defeated by love from Meg and that's how she got Charles Wallace back.

  8. My opinion that I liked "A Wrinkle in Time" book better than the movie. The reason why I like the book is because it has a lot more detail. In the movie they skipped a lot of important parts. Like in the book Meg had glasses, in the movie Meg didn't have glasses. Another reason is The Man with Red Eyes was not suppose to talk from his mouth, but from his mind. My last opinion about the movie is Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin were supposed to meet Ms. Who on earth not Uriel. So that's my opinion about "A Wrinkle in Time" movie.

  9. I like the movie better because it was hard to tell what the people and they where.My favorite it part was when Charles looked in the eye of the red eye man.The end was sweet when Meg got Charles back with love.In the movie,the Beats looked like green Chewbokes.The book was good too,but I liked the movie more.

  10. I didn't like the movie as much as the book because how they made the movie wasn't as exciting as the book. How they found the man with red eyes and how they found their dad is totally different than how it happened inside the book witch was more exciting. Also It, it bigger than supposed to be and Meg was supposed to find Charles with It not the man with red eyes. It was not destroyed in the book but was in the movie that was not supposed to happen. Those are my opinions about A Wrinkle in Time.

  11. I liked "A Wrinkle in Time" because it had an adventure with confusing stuff. I don't think in the book IT died. I just think they left the planet without killing IT. In the movie IT died and everything was with different beats like planet earth. I would recommend the book because it gives more detailed about the story. The movie doesn't show a lot of detail. Please read the book before the movie.

  12. I personaly did not like the movie, becaause the movie did things different and skiped alot of good parts. For example the man with red eyes came after they found "Daddy." I belive IT was distroied because Meg had something that IT did not and deafeted IT. the thing she had was LOVE!

  13. I did not like the movie at all because in the movie Meg did not have glasses,the happy medium was not a boy or a girl,they did not show much of Camazots,the dome building that IT was in,and IT wasn't even defeated.

  14. I like the book and the movie, but the mostly the book was the best choice. If you want to here the story. Meg didn't have glasses, and the movie over exaggerated about the brain, and the man with red eyes never brought out the huge books for Charles in the book.

  15. I did not like it at all. If you read the book Meg had glasses, the man with red eyes and the transparent column were flip-flopped. that is why I did not like it.

  16. The movie "A Wrinkle in Time" is a lot different than the book. I like the book so much more. In the book, Meg has glasses, the happy medium is a girl, and the man with the red eyes doesn't show Charles Wallace books. In the book Meg saves Charles Wallace from IT she doesn't defeat IT. That is why I like the book more.

  17. I liked the book better just because you can have it perfect in your mind of what everything looks like. Also because it seemed to me that the book had way more details. One thing that was different from the book was Meg had glasses in the book and not in the movie. Another is because IT was much bigger in the movie than it was in the book. I dont think IT was destroyed in the book because Meg won Charles Wallace back out of love and then they left. Again, I think the book was alot better

  18. I enjoyed the book much better than the movie "A Wrinkle in Time". In the book it doesn't say that IT ever dies, and the brain is exagerated alot, the size is slighty bigger than an average brain, and CENTRAL Central Intelligence was diffrent then I had imaganed it. Also, the characters like, Meg, Calvin, and aunt Beast, were much diffrent in the book then I had thought, and I don't remember Meg's father having his leg broken, but anyway, it was fun to see the diffrence in them even though I liked the book better.

  19. I loved the movie A Wrinkle in Time. In the movie Meg had glasses. Also I don't remember Meg's dad having the broken leg. I liked the movie because it seems like it brought the book to life. I do think IT was destroyed in the book but it just wasn't as obvious as it was in the movie.

  20. I liked the book better than the movie. I also liked Mrs.Who better than the others. I also didn't remember Meg's dad breaking his leg and the cell looked really different than it did in my mind.

  21. I liked the movie a lot but I liked the book much better. In the book IT was just a regular sized brain in the movie IT looked like a bunch of giant worms. Also in the book I imanged everything much different especcialy aunt beast I thought she looked like something from star wars.

  22. I like the book better then the movie,but I still like the movie to.It was different from the book at the end because in the movie they destroy IT,but in the they don't they just take Charles from IT.

  23. I liked the book A Wrinkle in Time way better than the movie. In the movie in looked like a bunch of giant earthworms crawling around in a circle. I don't remember Meg's dad having a broken leg. That's why did not like the movie

  24. I kinda sorta liked the movie. It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be.I really didn't like Mrs.Whatsit when she changed into the horse.It looked really silly. They should have made it look better,or not but it there at all.

  25. I liked the book better than the movie. Because in the movie it made it the brain massive where in the book it was just a little bit bigger than a normal brain. In the movie it also made Mrs.Which appear instead of her being like a shadow.I thought the movie was good but the book is better.

  26. I liked the book better than the movie. The movie left out to much the book got all the information. that is the main reason why I like the book that the movie.

  27. I like the book way more than the movie. I do like the way they put the move tougher. I like the book way more because it tells more about the story than the movie. The thing that stood out the most was when Mrs. Whatsit her face showed on the T.V. I am happy that we read this book. :)

  28. I liked the book better than the movie. The movie did leave out a lot of stuff, but it put in a lot of scenes too. A lot of the stuff was wrong. I think how they did the brain was wrong, because in the book it was just a little larger than a human brain, but in the movie, it was huge, and not on a platform. The movie was okay, but the book was better. When Mrs Whatsit turned into the centaur/horse thing, it looked silly. Also, they had to pick their own flowers, in the movie, the other things like Mrs Whatsit gave them to them. And they made Mrs Which actually appear. In the book, she hovered.

  29. I didn't like it that much. The movie was ok but I didn't like the movie.

  30. I personally did not like the movie because it gave to much other information not about the book than I would have liked. The movie also had a lot of parts where the movie was the complete opposite than what the book said. They actually got something right by showing that IT was destroyed in the end. But what I hated most of all was that they probably just took the same costume to make Chewbaka and all those wookie things to make Aunt Beast and her friends.

  31. I personally think that the movie was terrible but the book was awesome. I didn't like the movie because it was nothing like the book. It was nothing that I would imagine. It was a lot bigger than I thought. I like the book because it is out there and a ton of adventure to.That's why I like the book better.

  32. I thought that the movie was terrible :( but I loved the book :). I did not like movie because nothing in the was the same I would say this is about to happen but it didn't. I don't thinnk they destroyed it because they never told us. =<)

  33. I thought the moive was bad but good in some parts. It was good because it brought some of the words to life but not many. I didn't like it because it was a lot different than the book and I liked the book a lot better. At the beginning of the book Mrs. Whatsit was a person not a bird and the bird (Mrs. Whatsit)did not apear at the doorway on the stormy night, but that appened in the movie.I thought IT was derstored in the book, and the movie.

  34. i liked the book becuase it told you more instead of the movie were it skipped some parts and yes i think IT got destroyed

  35. The book was o.k I wasn't very thrilled about it though.There was many things I loved about the book and nothing of the sort was in movie.First of all Meg didn't have glasses curly red hair wasn't ugly she way actualy very pretty, and IT was like a pit of worms that was quite large not a slitely over sized brain. The fact that It was in the central central intellagence building and that the building was the dome bothered me. I do not think IT was destroyed in the book because it does not say it does and they just leave with a happy ending and nothing else about it.

  36. I DID NOT LIKE THE MOVIE!!!!!!!! they stole the wookies, they didn't say IT was a brain, and tessering was nothing like the book! The little boy was bad at bouncing the ball in the book, C.W. was too old, the man with red eyes was wrong they need to re-make the movie and make it a lot more like the book.

  37. I liked the book much better than the movie. I think that Aunt Beast kind of looked like chewbacca from star wars. Also they over exaggerated IT a little because it was so big.
